Cornavirus: Our Approach

At Walton Gymnastics Club, the health and safety of our members, families and team is of the utmost importance. We are continuing to monitor developments on COVID-19 and sourcing advice from Public Health England, UK Government and British Gymnastics.

All operations at Walton Gymnastics Club are currently continuing as normal and will do so unless otherwise instructed by UK Government or British Gymnastics. British Gymnastics has confirmed that excluding National events, all other club activities should continue as normal.

We continue to encourage our members, guests and team to follow the Public Health England simple, common sense steps which include covering your mouth when coughing and sneezing, coughing or sneezing into your elbow or a tissue which you dispose of immediately, washing hands regularly and thoroughly for a minimum of 20 seconds, carrying hand sanitiser and using it regularly. Directly prior to entry to Walton Gymnastics Club, please use the Xcel bathrooms to thoroughly wash hands with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds. We urge you to do this after class also. Please use hand dryers or paper towels.

If you, any member of your household, family or any contact/friend/work colleague is feeling unwell or are in regular contact with anyone vulnerable it’s your responsibility to stay away and to make sure you follow all the stay at home guidelines (Stay at Home Guidance) and not to come to Walton Gymnastics Club Classes.

We reserve the right to ask any member, displaying any of the symptoms, however mild, to leave the session. If a child has a cough or a temperature, please do not attend Walton Gymnastics Club.

If you or your child do show symptoms as described, you should follow the advice given by Public Health England and we kindly ask that you notify us as soon as possible by email ( Any changes to the clubs normal operation or approach will be immediately posted on the website, Instagram and our Facebook page.

As the situation continues to develop dynamically on a daily basis, please regularly check your email/the Walton Gymnastics Club website/Instagram/Facebook pages, for any further developments. We continue to encourage all members, guests and staff to follow advice from Public Health England and to monitor their website daily for any changes. We will endeavour to answer all communication where possible in a timely manner.

We hope that everyone understands that these measures are sensible precautions for the protection of all our members, their families and the Team and we can all work together to protect one another.

Thank you for your cooperation.
Walton Gymnastics